Intercostal Cramp

When I was a little girl, I used to get a sharp pain that prevented me from breathing in.  It felt as though one of my ribs was hooked over another, and as I tried to breathe in it was excruciatingly painful.  I didn’t know how to describe it to my mother.  It was very frightening at the time, but when I had experienced it a number of times, I knew it would soon disappear.  This phase in my life seemed to pass, and I didn’t experience this again for many years.

Just a few years ago, I read an article about intercostal cramps.  The description of the cramp between the ribs that causes severe pain on breathing fitted my own experience.  At last – I now had a name for the symptom.

Here is a similar condition that can give you similar symptoms:-

Bornholm Disease, (also known as Devil’s Grip, Epidemic Myalgia, Epidemic Pleurodynia)

Some symptoms are given some amazing names. Let me introduce you to this one, in case you ever come across it.  This symptom is very similar to intercostal cramps.  If you use Resolution magic, you will do no harm, and like me, you might recover more quickly.

In October of 2007, I felt a dull ache that increased to a firm distinct pain in the back of my ribs.  It began in the middle of a night.  I got out of bed, and began Resolution Magic at once.  The pain became more severe over the following days, staying longer, and becoming more intense, so I began to suspect it might not be a neurological wave symptom.

I made an appointment and visited my doctor.  He suspected that there was nothing especially worrying, and that it would almost certainly resolve itself.  The symptoms could fit into the description of Bornholm’s Disease.  It is caused by a virus (Coxsackie virus). Symptoms can include headache and fever as well as the rib pain.  The condition typically lasts six days and then mysteriously disappears.

I didn’t have the headache or the fever. Whatever it was, I managed to beat it into submission in three days.   This is an example of even if symptoms are caused by a virus, Resolution Magic might be partially effective and reduce the length of time before it resolves – and most importantly, the programme does no harm.


SIRET Number 802 713 412 00012

disclaimer: results may vary. Please consult your GP – Resolution Magic can work along-side regular medicine.

Disclaimer: The book does not, and cannot, provide individual medical advice, but rather is for general informational purposes only. My advice is not intended to be a substitute for individualized medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by a qualified professional who is aware of your medical history and has had an opportunity to examine you.