Press – Newspaper articles etc
Here are links to articles that have appeared in newspapers and magazines:-
Article in Daily Mail June 2010
Article in London Evening Standard 14th March 2011
Article in Positive Health On-line magazine December 2011
Book Review in OM Magazine March 2012
Book Review in New Connexion Magazine and a link to a recorded interview
Bucks Free press editorial on 5th May 2012
The Daily Mirror 22nd May 2012
The Yorkshire Post 23rd May 2012
The Gulf News 10th August 2012
The Gulf News 4th November 2012
Spirit & Destiny Magazine – January 2013
TV & Radio
‘Beyond 50′ Radio Show recorded 30th March 2012
‘Beyond 50′ is an Internet radio show that has been going for many years. The host, Daniel Davies, began his radio career as a presenter on a local radio station where he enjoyed meeting many famous people, including authors. His style of interviewing reflects his interest in all things, and his belief that life is to be enjoyed! He hosts a regular Friday programme at 8pm here in the uk, 12 p.m. (PT), 2 p.m. (Central), 3 p.m. (ET) Why not make ‘Beyond 50′ a regular date for you? – Or visit the webstie and select one of the archived programmes.
The Virtual Light Broadcast Show (August 25th 2012) Las Vegas, Sandy Sedgebeer, Steve Rother (see this video also on the home page)
New Connexion TV Show – cable TV to 6 states in the USA:
The New Connexion TV Show, filmed in Portland, Oregon, in September 2012, and broadcast to 5 states in the USA.
Hope Radio – San Francisco - 11th September 2012
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disclaimer: results may vary. Please consult your GP – Resolution Magic can work along-side regular medicine.
Disclaimer: The book does not, and cannot, provide individual medical advice, but rather is for general informational purposes only. My advice is not intended to be a substitute for individualized medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by a qualified professional who is aware of your medical history and has had an opportunity to examine you.