Please read this page and then click here for the complete list
Resolution Magic ‘Special’ MP3s
If you are working on your own programme using the book as your guide, you can access the extra MP3′s that you may be looking for. Email me if you can’t find what you need.
Resolution Magic MP3s
A range of audios that can be used alone, or within a Resolution Magic Programme.
Welcome to a range of audios that I can offer to help you to become the person you would like to be. Whether you would like to increase your confidence, lose weight, get rid of verrucae, or give up smoking, there are ways that Resolution Magic techniques can help you.
Please note that these MP3s are NLP-style mental exercises that complement the programme. They are different from the mental exercises of the Resolution Magic Programme that you will find explained in the book.
Each audio contains mental exercises to change the behaviour of your subconscious. These techniques require you to be relaxing while you are guided through them.
Before you begin to listen to your recording, here are the “rules”:
- Prepare to dedicate time to your audio. Your subconscious will learn new ways of behaviour only if you listen to the MP3 in the correct way.
- Your audio will tell you how long approximately it will last. All are less than one hour. Some last only 20 minutes.
- Switch off your land-line and your answer-phone (unless it is completely silent), and put your mobile in another room if it vibrates. You must not be disturbed by pets, or people.
- As you begin to listen to your Relaxation Session audio, close your eyes and make sure you are reclining comfortably.
- Listen all the way through without interruption.
SIRET Number 802 713 412 00012
disclaimer: results may vary. Please consult your GP – Resolution Magic can work along-side regular medicine.
Disclaimer: The book does not, and cannot, provide individual medical advice, but rather is for general informational purposes only. My advice is not intended to be a substitute for individualized medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by a qualified professional who is aware of your medical history and has had an opportunity to examine you.